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Displaying 31–39 from total 39 items - 1 2

Title: Space Travelers An Interactive Program for Developing Social Understanding, Social Competence and Social Skills for Students with AS, Autism and Other Social Cognitive Challenges
Author: Margaret Carter and Josie Santomoura
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Description: This interactive social skills program, developed for students with ASD and other social cognitive challenges, takes students on a journey into space
CategoryID: B0SS00422.00
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Title: Special Diets for Special Kids, Volumes 1 and 2 Combined: Over 200 REVISED and NEW gluten-free casein-free recipes, plus research on the positive ... ADHD, allergies, celiac disease, and more!
Author: Lisa Lewis Ph.D.
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Description: Praised as a modern-day classic by celebrities and readers all over the world, the first edition of Special Diets for Special Kids has been helping children and adults with autism, ADHD, celiac disease, and other disorders since 1998. Special Diets for Special Kids Two followed up in 2001 by providing more recipes and updated research
CategoryID: B0BD00144.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: Special Kids Need Special Parents
Author: Judith Loseff Lavin
CategoryID: B0MI00369.00
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Title: Special People, Special Ways
Author: Arlene Maguire
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Description: Special People, Special Ways presents a positive image of persons with disabilities. It shares the message that even though each of us may have something different about us, we share many commonalities.
CategoryID: B0CB00207.00
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Title: Spectrum August/September 2007
CategoryID: J0AU00458.00
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Title: Spectrum Connections Connecting Through Music -Emotions
Author: SpectrumConnections
CategoryID: D0MI00093.00
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Title: Spirituality and the Autism Spectrum: Of Falling Sparrows
Author: Abe Isanon
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Description: Defining spirituality as 'the spirit with which we confront concrete reality,' this is the first book to focus on the spirituality of people with autism spectrum disorders
CategoryID: B0MI00370.00
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Title: Strengthening Relationships: When Our Children Have Special Needs
Author: Nicholas R M Martin
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Description: A long-awaited and much-needed book, "Strengthening Relationships" deals with the impact a special needs child has on the family and, most particularly, the parents' relationship.
CategoryID: B0MI00371.00
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Title: Survivial Strategies for Parenting Your ADD Child
Author: George T. Lynn, M.A. C.M.H.C
CategoryID: B0HT00314.00
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