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Displaying 391–420 from total 598 items - 1 ... 12 13 14 15 16 ... 20

Title: Rage-Free Kids: Homeopathic Medicine for Defiant, Aggressive and Violent Children
Author: Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman
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Description: In Rage-Free Kids, renowned homeopathic physicians Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman present a natural answer to extreme anger that has worked for over 1,500 challenging children
CategoryID: B0MI00364.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: Rain Man (1988)
Author: Barry Levinson (director)
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Description: Hoffman plays Raymond, an autistic savant whose late father has left him $3 million in a trust. This gets the attention of his materialistic younger brother
CategoryID: V0MI00130.00
Loan Status:

Title: Raising a Child With Autism: A Guide to Applied Behavior Analysis for Parents
Author: Shira Richman
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Description: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a method which has been found to be effective in teaching children with autistic spectrum disorders and changing their behaviors
CategoryID: B0TH00447.00
Loan Status:

Title: Raising Superman!: Autism 101
Author: Howard L. Rodgers
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Description: RAISING SUPERMAN! is the first book in a two-part series by Howard L. Rodgers documenting over sixteen years of secrets, strategies, solutions and shortcuts that his family found essential while raising their severely autistic son
CategoryID: B0MI00365.00
Loan Status:

Title: Raising Your Spirited Child Rev Ed: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic
Author: Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
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Description: Newly revised, featuring the most up-to-date research, effective strategies, and real-life stories

CategoryID: B0MI00366.00
Loan Status:

Title: Reaching Out, Joining in: Teaching Social Skills to Young Children With Autism (Topics in Autism)
Author: Mary Jane Weiss and Sandra L. Harris
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Description: This book introduces social skills programs to parents of preschool- and kindergarten-aged children diagnosed with one of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders
CategoryID: B0SS00415.00
Loan Status:

Title: Reaching the Child With Autism Through Art: Practical, "Fun" Activities to Enhance Motor Skills and Improve Tactile and Concept Awareness
Author: Toni Flowers
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Description: In this book, Flowers provides dozens of artistic activities (called "experiences") that will delight children with autism.
CategoryID: B0TH00448.00
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Title: Read and Rise Preparing Our Children for a Lifetime of Success
Author: Scholastic
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CategoryID: B0EI00279.00
Loan Status:

Title: Ready-to-use Social Skills Lessons & Activities for Grades 7-12
Author: Ruth Weltmann Begun
Description: A ready to use curriculum based on real-life situations to help you build children's self-esteem, self-control, respect for the rights of others and a sense of responsibility for one's own actions.
CategoryID: B0EI00280.00
Loan Status:

Title: Refrigerator Mothers
Author: David E. Simpson (director)
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Description: An incredibly moving video that illustrates the history of autism through the life experiences and poignant stories of seven pioneering women and their children.
CategoryID: V0MI00131.00
Loan Status:

Title: Relationship - Based Intervention Why and How to Make the Social Connection that Builds Growth and Devloment in Young Children with Autism Specttrum Disorders
Author: Klaw
CategoryID: B0SS00416.00
Loan Status:

Title: Relationship Development Intervention with Young Children: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD
Author: Steven E. Gutstein and Rachelle K. Sheely
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Description: This comprehensive set of activities emphasizes foundation skills such as social referencing, regulating behavior, conversational reciprocity and synchronized actions
CategoryID: B0SS00417.00
Loan Status:

Title: Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry: Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Adhd
Author: Lisa Blakemore-Brown
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Description: This text analyzes the links between ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome) and those disorders on the Autistic spectrum
CategoryID: B0AU00072.00
Loan Status:

Title: Rules
Author: Cynthia Lord
CategoryID: B0BA00113.00
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Title: S.O.S. Social Skills in Our Schools: A Social Skills Program for Children with Pervasive Developmentaly Disorders, Including High-Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome, and Their Typical Peers
Author: Michelle A. Dunn
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Description: This comprehensive social skills curriculum has the dual purpose of helping educators develop appropriate social skills in children with pervasive developmental disorders while also fostering understanding and tolerance among typical peers and school staff
CategoryID: B0SS00418.00
Loan Status:

Title: Say Good-Bye to Allergy Related Autism
Author: Devi S. Nambudripad
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Description: Dr. Nambudripad's breakthrough approach of treating autism is the perfect example of how alternative medicine can offer the perfect solution for this disorder
CategoryID: B0BD00143.00
Loan Status:

Title: Say Goodday - Sensory Integration through Rhythm & Song
CategoryID: C0SI00009.00
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Title: School Inclusion of a High-Functioning Student With Autism
CategoryID: V0EI00121.00
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Title: Second Look Adults With Autism by PA Pennsylvania Depart of Public Welfare
Author: Bureau of Autism Services
CategoryID: D0AU00072.00
Loan Status:

Title: Seeing Clearly (2nd Edition)
Author: Rebecca Hutchins and Jennifer Ellen
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Description: Seeing Clearly offers an overview of Behavioral Optometry and Occupational Therapy to enhance visual perception
CategoryID: B0MI00367.00
Loan Status:

Title: Sense and Nonsense in the Behavioral Treatment of Autism: It Has to Be Said
Author: Ron Leaf and Mitch Taubman
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Description: A renowned team of professionals sift the sense from the nonsense in assessing the approaches to the treatment of autism
CategoryID: B0BE00178.00
Loan Status:

Title: Senseabilities : Understanding Sensory Integration/Pkg of 5 Books, Looseleaf Packet and Folder
Author: Maryann Colby Trott, Marci K. Laurel, and Susan L. Windeck
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Description: This sensitive book, written in easy-to-understand language for parents of children who have problems integrating sensory input, will open the door to understanding and treating the disorder
CategoryID: B0SI00394.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: Sensory Processing For Parents From Roots to Wings
CategoryID: VOSI00460.00
Loan Status:

Title: Siblings of Children With Autism
Author: Sandra L. Harris
CategoryID: B0CB00204.00
Loan Status:

Title: Siblings of Children with Autism: A Guide for Families (Topics in Autism)
Author: Sandra L. Harris and Beth A. Glasberg
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Description: Since 1994, Siblings of Children with Autism has been helping parents meet the needs of siblings in families of children with autism.
CategoryID: B0AU00073.00
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Title: Sibshops: Workshops for Siblings of Children with Special Needs
Author: Donald J. Meyer and Patricia F. Vadasy
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Description: This new edition is the long-awaited revision of the essential guidebook to organizing and running support groups for siblings of children and adults with special needs
CategoryID: B0MI00368.00
Loan Status:

Title: Signing for Kids (Perigee)
Author: Mickey Flodin
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Description: The first signing manual written for kids, this invaluable learning guide is created especially foreight to fourteen-year-olds.
CategoryID: B0CB00205.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: Simple Strategies That Work! Helpful Hints for All Educators of Students With Asperger Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism, and Related Disabilities
Author: Brenda Smith Myles, Diane Adreon, and Dena Gitlitz
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Description: Simple Strategies That Work! provides effective approaches and strategies that teachers can take to help their student with AS/HFA on the road to success
CategoryID: B0EI00281.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: Since We're Friends, An Autism Picture Book
Author: Celeste Shally and David Harrington
CategoryID: B0CB00206.00
Loan Status:

Title: Skillstreaming in Early Childhood - Teaching Prosocial Skills to the Preschool and Kindergarten Child
Author: Ellen McGinnis
CategoryID: B0EI00282.00
Loan Status: On Loan