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Displaying 331–360 from total 598 items - 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 ... 20

Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 1 of 3 Workshop - IEP Special Education Law:Intensive Training for Parents
CategoryID: D0AU00049.00
Loan Status:

Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 10 Addressing Oxidative Stress
Author: Haley, Boyd and Buckley, Julie
CategoryID: D0AU00050.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 12 Health Insurance Coverage
Author: Umumbb, Lori
CategoryID: D0AU00051.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 15 Excitotoxicity in ASD
Author: Usman, Anju
CategoryID: D0AU00052.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 16 Vaccine Court Update
Author: Moody, Jim
CategoryID: D0AU00053.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 17 Neurofeedback
Author: Linden, Michael
CategoryID: D0AU00054.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 18 Autism and Mitochondrial Disorders
Author: Poling, Jon
CategoryID: D0AU00055.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 19 Thimerosal, adrenal dysfunction and autism
Author: Ayoub, David
CategoryID: D0AU00056.00
Loan Status:

Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 2 of 3 Workshop - IEP Special Education Law:Intensive Training for Parents
CategoryID: D0AU00057.00
Loan Status:

Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 20 Gene Saunders and Lori McIIwain
Author: Sauders and Mcllwain
CategoryID: D0AU00058.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 21 Keynote: Andrew Wakefield
Author: Wakefield
CategoryID: D0AU00059.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 23 Navigating the maze of Body Therapies
Author: Pearl, Seth
CategoryID: D0AU00060.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 24 Guest Speaker Confressman Dave Weldon
Author: Weldon
CategoryID: D0AU00061.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 25 Lori Knowles - A Mother's Success Story
Author: Knowles
CategoryID: D0AU00062.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 27 Featured Speaker Jeff Bradstreet
Author: Bradstreet
CategoryID: D0AU00063.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 4 Workshop - Life Planning: A Primer for Special Families
Author: Beloff, Michael
CategoryID: D0AU00064.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 5 Workshop - Maintaing a Healthy Marriage
Author: Marshak, Laura
CategoryID: D0AU00065.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 6 Workshop - Just for Dads
Author: Tarbox, Jonathan
CategoryID: D0AU00066.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 7 Award winning Author David Kirdy
Author: Kirby, David
CategoryID: D0AU00067.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 8 Dietary Interventions
Author: Matthews, Julie
CategoryID: D0AU00068.00
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Title: Nat'l. Autism Assoc. Conf. 2008: Disk # 9 MMR Research Update
Author: Walker, Steve
CategoryID: D0AU00069.00
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Title: National Autism Conference November 10-13 2005
Author: National Autism Association
CategoryID: D0AU00017.00
Loan Status:

Title: Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics
Author: John Mckenna
Buy on Amazon

Description: A long-awaited book that answers many questions' Jan de Vries When antibiotics were developed in the 1940s, they were hailed as a huge breakthrough in the treatment of bacterial infections
CategoryID: B0BD00142.00
Loan Status:

Title: Navigating the Social World: A Curriculum for Individuals with Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and Related Disorders
Author: Jeanette McAfee M.D
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Description: It addresses the most urgent problems facing those with Asperger's Syndrome, high-functioning autism, and related disorders
CategoryID: B0SS00413.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: New Biological Directions in Autism
Author: Conference
CategoryID: B0AU00066.00
Loan Status:

Title: NLD From the Inside Out: Talking to Parents, Teachers, and Teens about Growing Up with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
Author: Michael Brian Murphy
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Description: Written by and for young adults with NLD - and their parents, teachers, and therapists - NLD FROM THE INSIDE OUT presents useful tips, strategies, and insights into living with this oft-misunderstood learning disability - in the voices of those who experience it.
CategoryID: B0CL00238.00
Loan Status:

Title: No Child Left Behind
Author: U.S. Dept. of Ed.
CategoryID: P0EI00107.00
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Title: No Child Left Behind: A Toolkit for Teachers
Author: Office of the Deputy Secretary U.S. Department of Education
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Description: Explains in detail the various provisions of the "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001."
CategoryID: P0EI00108.00
Loan Status:

Title: No More Meltdowns: Positive Strategies for Dealing with and Preventing Out-Of-Control Behavior
Author: Jed Baker
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CategoryID: B0BE00176.00
Loan Status:

Title: Nobody Nowhere: The Remarkable Autobiography of an Autistic Girl
Author: Donna Williams
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Description: As auto biography or literature, her book is indeed a satisfactory guide to understanding the autistic experience
CategoryID: B0BA00110.00
Loan Status: