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Title: Rage-Free Kids: Homeopathic Medicine for Defiant, Aggressive and Violent Children
Author: Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman
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Description: In Rage-Free Kids, renowned homeopathic physicians Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman present a natural answer to extreme anger that has worked for over 1,500 challenging children
CategoryID: B0MI00364.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: Rain Man (1988)
Author: Barry Levinson (director)
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Description: Hoffman plays Raymond, an autistic savant whose late father has left him $3 million in a trust. This gets the attention of his materialistic younger brother
CategoryID: V0MI00130.00
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Title: Raising a Child With Autism: A Guide to Applied Behavior Analysis for Parents
Author: Shira Richman
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Description: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a method which has been found to be effective in teaching children with autistic spectrum disorders and changing their behaviors
CategoryID: B0TH00447.00
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Title: Raising Superman!: Autism 101
Author: Howard L. Rodgers
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Description: RAISING SUPERMAN! is the first book in a two-part series by Howard L. Rodgers documenting over sixteen years of secrets, strategies, solutions and shortcuts that his family found essential while raising their severely autistic son
CategoryID: B0MI00365.00
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Title: Raising Your Spirited Child Rev Ed: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic
Author: Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
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Description: Newly revised, featuring the most up-to-date research, effective strategies, and real-life stories

CategoryID: B0MI00366.00
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Title: Reaching Out, Joining in: Teaching Social Skills to Young Children With Autism (Topics in Autism)
Author: Mary Jane Weiss and Sandra L. Harris
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Description: This book introduces social skills programs to parents of preschool- and kindergarten-aged children diagnosed with one of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders
CategoryID: B0SS00415.00
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Title: Reaching the Child With Autism Through Art: Practical, "Fun" Activities to Enhance Motor Skills and Improve Tactile and Concept Awareness
Author: Toni Flowers
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Description: In this book, Flowers provides dozens of artistic activities (called "experiences") that will delight children with autism.
CategoryID: B0TH00448.00
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Title: Read and Rise Preparing Our Children for a Lifetime of Success
Author: Scholastic
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CategoryID: B0EI00279.00
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Title: Ready-to-use Social Skills Lessons & Activities for Grades 7-12
Author: Ruth Weltmann Begun
Description: A ready to use curriculum based on real-life situations to help you build children's self-esteem, self-control, respect for the rights of others and a sense of responsibility for one's own actions.
CategoryID: B0EI00280.00
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Title: Refrigerator Mothers
Author: David E. Simpson (director)
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Description: An incredibly moving video that illustrates the history of autism through the life experiences and poignant stories of seven pioneering women and their children.
CategoryID: V0MI00131.00
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Title: Relationship - Based Intervention Why and How to Make the Social Connection that Builds Growth and Devloment in Young Children with Autism Specttrum Disorders
Author: Klaw
CategoryID: B0SS00416.00
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Title: Relationship Development Intervention with Young Children: Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD
Author: Steven E. Gutstein and Rachelle K. Sheely
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Description: This comprehensive set of activities emphasizes foundation skills such as social referencing, regulating behavior, conversational reciprocity and synchronized actions
CategoryID: B0SS00417.00
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Title: Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry: Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Adhd
Author: Lisa Blakemore-Brown
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Description: This text analyzes the links between ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome) and those disorders on the Autistic spectrum
CategoryID: B0AU00072.00
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Title: Rules
Author: Cynthia Lord
CategoryID: B0BA00113.00
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