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Title: I am Special: Introducing Children and Young People to their Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Author: Peter Vermeulen
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Description: This workbook is designed for a child toqwork throught with an adult - parent, teacher or professional. It is divided into two parts.
CategoryID: B0CB00197.00
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Title: I Can Be: A Child's Whimsical Introduction to Yoga
Author: Christine M. Sumner
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Description: I Can Be makes yoga fun by introducing children to nine fanciful creatures that naturally practice yoga.
CategoryID: B0CB00198.00
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Title: I Need Help with School: A Guide for Parents of Children with Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Author: Rebecca A Moyes
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Description: As an educational advocate, Rebecca Moyes knows that many parents struggle with designing an individualized education program (IEP) that addresses the special needs of their child.
CategoryID: B0EI00264.00
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Title: Including the Special Needs Child: Actities to Help All Students Grow and Learn (Kids' Stuff)
Author: Grace Bickert
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Description: This is an amazing book full of recipes and activities to use in any classroom, or home.
CategoryID: B0EI00265.00
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Title: Inclusion: 450 Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide for All Educators Who Teach Students With Disabilities
Author: Peggy A. Hammeken
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Description: This resource covers various areas of inclusive education, from program implementation to working with colleagues, and includes hundreds of practical, teacher-tested adaptations and modifications, plus reproducible forms.
CategoryID: B0EI00266.00
Loan Status:
Title: Inclusion: A Guide for Educators
Author: Susan Stainback and William Stainback
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Description: Offers tools and techniques for transforming classrooms into places where all students succeed."
CategoryID: B0EI00267.00
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Title: Inclusive Games
Author: Susan Kasser
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Description: Physical education classes include students of all ability levels.
CategoryID: B0EI00268.00
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Title: Inclusive Programming for Elementary Students with Autism
Author: Sheila Wagner M.Ed.
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Description: Inclusive Programming addresses the do's and don'ts of inclusive education on the elementary school level.
CategoryID: B0EI00269.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: Inclusive Programming for Middle School Students with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome
Author: Sheila Wagner M.Ed.
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Description: Middle school presents unique challenges to those with autism / Asperger's, but it can also be exciting and rewarding.
CategoryID: B0EI00270.00
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Title: Incredible 5-Point Scale Assisting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Understanding Social Interactions and Controlling Their Emotional Responses
Author: Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis
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Description: This must-have resource shows how the use of a simple 5-point scale can help students understand and control their emotional reactions to everyday events.
CategoryID: B0SS00409.00
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Title: Inside out: What makes a person with social cognitive deficits tick?
Author: Michelle Garcia Winner
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CategoryID: B0SS00410.00
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Title: Instructions on Psychological Skills
Author: Joseph M. Strayhorn
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Description: "Instructions on Psychological Skills" by Joseph Strayhorn, Jr., M.D. is an excellent self-help book as well as a valuable tool for psychotherapists and for educators who wish to help clients or students acquire the psychological skills that are essential for effective living in mutually satisfying relationships.
CategoryID: B0MI00354.00
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Title: Introduction to How Does Your Engine Run?: The Alert Program for Self-Regulation
Author: Mary Sue Williams and Sherry Shellenberger
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Description: This booklet is an excerpt from the first chapter of the Leader's Guide. It is an overview of the program. Teachers often give the booklet to a parent to share what Alert Program concepts the student is learning at school.
CategoryID: B0EI00271.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: Is This Your Child?: Discovering and Treating Unrecognized Allergies
Author: Doris J. Rapp
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Description: The case studies make a parent want to go "yes, someone understands my child!".
CategoryID: B0MI00355.00
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Title: It Isn't Fair!
Author: Stanley D. Klein and Maxwell J. Schleifer
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Description: Parenting is always a vital and challenging task.
CategoryID: B0MI00356.00
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Title: It's Nobody's Fault
Author: Harold S. Koplewicz, M.D.
CategoryID: B0BD00138.00
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