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Title: Facilitating Developmental Attachment, The Road to Emotional Recovery and Behavioral Change in Foster and Adopted Children
Author: Daniel A. Hughes
CategoryID: B0MI00339.00
Loan Status:

Title: Facilitating the Classroom learning of Students with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism Grades H-6 DVD and Resource Guide
CategoryID: D0EI00086.00
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Title: Facing Autism: Giving Parents Reasons for Hope and Guidance for Help
Author: Lynn M. Hamilton
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Description: This is one mother's account of coping with her son's autism.
CategoryID: B0AU00058.00
Loan Status:

Title: Faith, Hope & Love: Poems of Inspiration by Doris Washington
Author: Doris Washington
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Description: Faith, Hope & Love inspires you not only today, but also to believe in tomorrow.
CategoryID: B0MI00340.00
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Title: Famiy Pictures
CategoryID: B0BA00099.00
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Title: Fighting for Tony
Author: Mary Callahan
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Description: This book was about a boy, Tony, who was diagnosed with autism.
CategoryID: B0BA00100.00
Loan Status:

Title: Finding Ben : A Mother's Journey Through the Maze of Asperger's
Author: Barbara LaSalle
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Description: Extremely rare is the mother who doesn't worry about whether she is a good parent, and it is easy to become obsessed trying to do everything right for one's child.
CategoryID: B0BA00101.00
Loan Status:

Title: Finding God in Autism: A Forty Day Devotional for Parents of Autistic Children
Author: Kathy Medina
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Description: Finding no books with Biblical references to help her face the challenges of raising a child with special needs, Kathy did intense research to bring back her hope.
CategoryID: B0BA00102.00
Loan Status:

Title: Finding Out About Asperger's Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism and Pdd
Author: Gunilla Gerland
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Description: At last, here is a book that provides up-to-date information about girls and women with Asperger's Syndrome.
CategoryID: B0AS00018.00
Loan Status:

Title: First Look Autism Awareness
CategoryID: D0AU00455.00
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Title: Fitwits: Make Snack Recipe Cards: Card game about health and health awareness and eating healthy
CategoryID: B0HT00109.00
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Title: Fitwits: Play Portions Memory Game: Card game about health and health awareness and eating healthy
CategoryID: B0HT00110.00
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Title: Freeing Your Child from Anxiety: Powerful, Practical Solutions to Overcome Your Child's Fears, Worries, and Phobias
Author: Tamar E. Chansky
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Description: Childhood should be a happy and carefree time, yet more and more children today are exhibiting symptoms of anxiety, from bedwetting and clinginess to frequent stomach aches, nightmares, and even refusing to go to school.
CategoryID: B0MI00341.00
Loan Status:

Title: Friendly Facts: A Fun, Practical, Interactive Resource to Help Children Explore the Complexities of Friends and Friendship
Author: Margaret-Anne Carter and Josie Santomauro
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Description: Making friends and getting along with others is a big part of a child's life.
CategoryID: B0MI00342.00
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Title: Friends at School
CategoryID: B0MI00343.00
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Title: Friendship Building Strategies
CategoryID: B0MI00344.00
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Title: From Goals to Data and Back Again: Adding Backbone to Developmental Intervention for Children with Autism
Author: Jill Fain Lehman
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Description: Early intervention is now accepted as essential in helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) to cope with the future demands of daily living, education and long-term independence.
CategoryID: B0AU00059.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks: 100 Ways to Differentiate Instruction in K - 12 Classrooms
Author: Paula Klut and Sheila Danaher
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Description: Differentiated instruction engages students of all abilities as active learners, decision-makers, and problem solvers making educational experiences more meaningful for all.
CategoryID: B0EI00258.00
Loan Status:

Title: Functional Programming for People with Autism: Enhancing Communication in Individuals with Autism Through the Use of Pictures and Word Symbols
CategoryID: B0AU00456.00
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Title: Functional Programming for People with Autism: Sex Education: Issues for the Person with Autism
CategoryID: B0AU00457.00
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