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Title: A Basic Course in American Sign Language
Author: Carol Radden and Tom Humphries and Terrence J. O'Rourke
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CategoryID: B0CL00227.00
Loan Status: Missing
Title: A Blessing, Caring & Sharing: Poems By Doris Washington
Author: Doris Washington
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Description: A Blessing, Caring & Sharing takes you to that place we all long for "inner peace."
CategoryID: B0MI00316.00
Loan Status:
Title: A Is for Autism F Is for Friend
Author: Joanna L. Keating-Velasco
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Description: Get an inside look at the life of Chelsea, a young girl who has severe autism.
CategoryID: B0CB00001.00
Loan Status:
Title: A Is for Autism F Is for Friend
Author: Keating-Velasco, Joanna L.
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Description: Get an inside look at the life of Chelsea, a young girl who has severe autism.
CategoryID: B0CB00183.00
Loan Status:
Title: A Is for Autism F Is for Friend: A Kid's Book for Making Friends with a Child Who Has Autism 18
Author: Joanna L. Keating-Velasco
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Description: Get an inside look at the life of Chelsea, a young girl who has severe autism.
CategoryID: B0CB00184.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: A Parent's Guide to Asperger Syndrome & High-Functioning Autism
Author: Sally Ozonoff, PhD Geraldine Dawson, PhD amd James McPartland
Description: How to meet the challenges and help your child thrive
CategoryID: B0HT00298.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: A Parent'S Guide To Autism: A Parents Guide To Autism
Author: Charles Hart
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Description: Despite the tremendous need for parents of autistic children to learn as much as they can about treatments, life choices, and possible cures, there has never been a broad subject survey or a complete examination of the anecdotal evidence until now
CategoryID: B0AU00031.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: A Programmed Course in Conflict-Resolution and Anger Control
Author: Joseph, Mallory Strayhorn
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Description: This manual is designed to help people think rationally about provocations and conflict situations.
CategoryID: B0HT00299.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: A Shot in the Dark
Author: H. Coulter
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Description: Traces the developmnet of the DPT vaccine, describes its risks, and lists warning signs that a child may be sensitive to it.
CategoryID: B0BD00131.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: A Slant of Sun: One Child's Courage
Author: Beth Kephart
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Description: Freelancer Kephart conveys her frantic reaction to the original diagnosis, her furious desire to change conditions for Jeremy at once and her ultimate realization that a tangible, positive outcome was possible, given great patience
CategoryID: B0BA00090.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with Autism
Author: Beth Fouse and Maria Wheeler
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Description: The authors address sensory, communication, and physical and social-emotional issues by increasing desired behaviors and decreasing unwanted behaviors.
CategoryID: B0BE00155.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: A Wild Ride Up the Cupboards: A Novel
Author: Ann Bauer
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Description: Bauer's nuanced debut chronicles a mother's struggle with her child's mysterious, undiagnosed illness and the once-passionate marriage that doesn't survive the decades of extraordinary stress
CategoryID: B0BA00091.00
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Title: A Work in Progress: Behavior Management Strategies and a Curriculum for Intensive Behavioral Treatment of Autism
Author: Ron Leaf and John McEachin
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Description: This two part work gives you intervention tactics & a complete program for implementing them in one easy to use format
CategoryID: B0BE00156.00
Loan Status:
Title: ABA Workshop 11/9/96
Author: Coulter/Fisher
CategoryID: V0AB00114.00
Loan Status:
Title: ABC's of OCD!
Author: Kathleen Dunn
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Description: A powerful, helpful book for children and adults, who suffer with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or any other anxiety type condition.
CategoryID: B0BE00002.00
Loan Status:
Title: ABC's of OCD!, The
Author: Dunn, Kathleen
Buy on Amazon
Description: A powerful, helpful book for children and adults, who suffer with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or any other anxiety type condition.
CategoryID: B0TH00450.00
Loan Status:
Title: Activity Schedules for Children With Autism
Author: Patricia Krantz and Lynn E. McClannahan
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Description: Activity schedules are a set of pictures or words that cue a child to follow a sequence of steps.
CategoryID: B0HT00003.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: Activity Schedules for Children With Autism
Author: Krantz, Patricia and Lynn E. McClannahan
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Description: Activity schedules are a set of pictures or words that cue a child to follow a sequence of steps.
CategoryID: B0CB00185.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior
Author: Lynn E. McClannahan and Ph.D. and Patricia Krantz
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Description: Like the bestselling first edition, this new edition of Activity Schedules will show thousands of parents and service providers how to use this teaching tool to help children and adults successfully engage in self-directed and purposeful activities.
CategoryID: B0HT00301.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: ADD/ADHD Smart Solutions: Ways to improve your child's behavior
Author: McClannahan/Krantz
CategoryID: V0MI00125.00
Loan Status:
Title: Addressing the Challenging Behavior of Children With High-Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome in the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers and Parents
Author: Rebecca A. Moyes and Rececca A. Moyes
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Description: How do teachers and parents of children with autism address a child's social skills?
CategoryID: B0BE00157.00
Loan Status: On Loan
Title: ADHD Book of Lists
Author: Sandra F. Rief
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Description: The ADHD Book of Lists is a comprehensive, reliable source of answers, practical strategies, and tools written in a convenient list format.
CategoryID: B0MI00004.00
Loan Status:
Title: ADHD Book of Lists (A Practical Guide for Helping Children and Teens with Attention Deficit Disorder)
Author: Sandra F. Rief M.A.
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Description: The ADHD Book of Lists is a comprehensive, reliable source of answers, practical strategies, and tools written in a convenient list format.
CategoryID: B0MI00317.00
Loan Status:
Title: ADHD Book of Lists, The
Author: Rief, Sandra F.
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Description: The ADHD Book of Lists is a comprehensive, reliable source of answers, practical strategies, and tools written in a convenient list format.
CategoryID: B0MI00318.00
Loan Status:
Title: ADHD Parenting Handbook, Practical Advice for Parents from Parents
Author: Colleen Alexander-Roberts,
Description: Parenting a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) can be
challenging and demanding. But now, with the help of The AD/HD Parenting
Handbook, 2nd Edition, your job as a parent will get easier. Here, other
parents of AD/HD children tell what really worked for them. With hundreds of
inspired ideas, author Colleen Alexander-Roberts gives you practical suggestions
for handling your child with AD/HD.
CategoryID: B0MI00319.00
Loan Status:
Title: ADHD-Autism Connection
Author: Diane M. Kennedy
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Description: The ADHD-Autism Connection gives parents, educators, and doctors a reason to embrace autism with a renewed sense of hope and understanding.
CategoryID: B0MI00005.00
Loan Status:
Title: ADHD-Autism Connection, The
Author: Kennedy, Diane M.
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Description: As a parent of a child with Asperger's syndrome, you may wonder what to expect as your son or daughter journeys through childhood.
CategoryID: B0AS00004.00
Loan Status:
Title: Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum
Author: Chantal Sicile-Kira
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Description: Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum is a complete guide to the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical needs of preteens and teenagers with autistic disorders, ranging from the relatively mild Asperger's Syndrome to more severe ability impairment.
CategoryID: B0AU00006.00
Loan Status:
Title: Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum
Author: Sicile-Kira, Chantal
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CategoryID: B0AS00005.00
Loan Status:
Title: Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum: A Parent's Guide to the Cognitive, Social, Physical, and Transition Needs ofTeenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Author: Chantal Sicile-Kira
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Description: From the award-winning author of Autism Spectrum Disorders, comes Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum, a complete guide to the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical needs of preteens and teenagers with autistic disorders, ranging from the relatively mild Asperger's Syndrome to more severe ability impairment.
CategoryID: B0AA00003.00
Loan Status:
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