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Displaying 181–210 from total 598 items - 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 20

Title: Famiy Pictures
CategoryID: B0BA00099.00
Loan Status:

Title: Fighting for Tony
Author: Mary Callahan
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Description: This book was about a boy, Tony, who was diagnosed with autism.
CategoryID: B0BA00100.00
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Title: Finding Ben : A Mother's Journey Through the Maze of Asperger's
Author: Barbara LaSalle
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Description: Extremely rare is the mother who doesn't worry about whether she is a good parent, and it is easy to become obsessed trying to do everything right for one's child.
CategoryID: B0BA00101.00
Loan Status:

Title: Finding God in Autism: A Forty Day Devotional for Parents of Autistic Children
Author: Kathy Medina
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Description: Finding no books with Biblical references to help her face the challenges of raising a child with special needs, Kathy did intense research to bring back her hope.
CategoryID: B0BA00102.00
Loan Status:

Title: Finding Out About Asperger's Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism and Pdd
Author: Gunilla Gerland
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Description: At last, here is a book that provides up-to-date information about girls and women with Asperger's Syndrome.
CategoryID: B0AS00018.00
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Title: First Look Autism Awareness
CategoryID: D0AU00455.00
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Title: Fitwits: Make Snack Recipe Cards: Card game about health and health awareness and eating healthy
CategoryID: B0HT00109.00
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Title: Fitwits: Play Portions Memory Game: Card game about health and health awareness and eating healthy
CategoryID: B0HT00110.00
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Title: Freeing Your Child from Anxiety: Powerful, Practical Solutions to Overcome Your Child's Fears, Worries, and Phobias
Author: Tamar E. Chansky
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Description: Childhood should be a happy and carefree time, yet more and more children today are exhibiting symptoms of anxiety, from bedwetting and clinginess to frequent stomach aches, nightmares, and even refusing to go to school.
CategoryID: B0MI00341.00
Loan Status:

Title: Friendly Facts: A Fun, Practical, Interactive Resource to Help Children Explore the Complexities of Friends and Friendship
Author: Margaret-Anne Carter and Josie Santomauro
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Description: Making friends and getting along with others is a big part of a child's life.
CategoryID: B0MI00342.00
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Title: Friends at School
CategoryID: B0MI00343.00
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Title: Friendship Building Strategies
CategoryID: B0MI00344.00
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Title: From Goals to Data and Back Again: Adding Backbone to Developmental Intervention for Children with Autism
Author: Jill Fain Lehman
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Description: Early intervention is now accepted as essential in helping children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) to cope with the future demands of daily living, education and long-term independence.
CategoryID: B0AU00059.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks: 100 Ways to Differentiate Instruction in K - 12 Classrooms
Author: Paula Klut and Sheila Danaher
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Description: Differentiated instruction engages students of all abilities as active learners, decision-makers, and problem solvers making educational experiences more meaningful for all.
CategoryID: B0EI00258.00
Loan Status:

Title: Functional Programming for People with Autism: Enhancing Communication in Individuals with Autism Through the Use of Pictures and Word Symbols
CategoryID: B0AU00456.00
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Title: Functional Programming for People with Autism: Sex Education: Issues for the Person with Autism
CategoryID: B0AU00457.00
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Title: Game of My Life
Author: Jason McElwain and Daniel Paisner
CategoryID: B0BA00103.00
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Title: Genesis of Artistic Creativity, Asperger's Syndrome and the Arts
Author: Michael Fitzgerald
CategoryID: B0TH00443.00
Loan Status:

Title: Getting a Grip on Add: A Kids Guide to Understanding and Coping With Attention Disorders
Author: Kim T. Frank
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Description: Help children cope more effectively with ADD.
CategoryID: B0MI00345.00
Loan Status:

Title: Getting Along With Others: An Activity Book
Author: et al Ronald W. Herron
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Description: All children need to learn how to get along with others.
CategoryID: B0CB00192.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: Giggle Time - Establishing the Social Connection: A Program to Develop the Communication Skills of Children With Autism, Asperger Syndrome and Pdd
Author: Susan Aud Sonders
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Description: Giggle Time is a step-by-step program for parents, teachers and other professionals to help develop the non-verbal, verbal and social reciprocity skills of children with autism.
CategoryID: B0CL00234.00
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Title: Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum
Author: Liane Holliday Willey
Description: What parents and professionals should know about the pre-teen and teenage years
CategoryID: B0AU00060.00
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Title: Going to the Dentist (Usborne First Experiences)
Author: Anne Civardi
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Description: This series introduces very young children, in an amusing and friendly way, to situations they might find themselves in for the first time.
CategoryID: B0CB00193.00
Loan Status:

Title: Going to the Doctor (First Experiences)
Author: Anne Civardi
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Description: Each title in the "First Experiences" series introduces very young children, in an amusing and friendly way, to a situation they might find themselves in for the first time.
CategoryID: B0CB00194.00
Loan Status:

Title: Going to the Grocery Store (Social Stories, 3)
Author: Cindy A. Bailey
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CategoryID: B0CB00195.00
Loan Status:

Author: Stephen Garber Ph.D.
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CategoryID: B0BE00161.00
Loan Status:

Title: Good Friends Are Hard to Find: Help Your Child Find, Make, and Keep Friends
Author: Fred Frankel
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Description: Parents of young social butterflies may think this book makes mountains out of molehills, but those whose children have difficulty making and keeping friends will likely find its practical, down-to-earth approach a godsend.
CategoryID: B0SS00407.00
Loan Status: On Loan

Title: Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Assessment, Interventions, and Policy (Volume 2)
Author: Fred R. Volkmar
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Description: Since its first edition, this handbook has become the most influential reference work in the field of autism and related conditions. Now expanded to two volumes, this comprehensive work provides a thorough review of these disorders, drawing on findings and clinical experience from a number of related disciplines.
CategoryID: B0AU00061.00
Loan Status:

Title: Handbook of Career Planning for Special Needs Students
Author: Thomas F. Harrington
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CategoryID: B0EI00259.00
Loan Status:

Title: Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies: The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders
Author: Kenneth Bock
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Description: Almost half of all American children today are diagnosed with autism, ADHD, allergies or asthma, an "undeniably epidemic" statistic that physician Bock (The Road to Immunity) and author Stauth (Brain Longevity) use to launch an investigation into potential causes of and treatments for these conditions, while demonstrating Bock's unusual approach through numerous case studies.
CategoryID: B0BD00137.00
Loan Status: On Loan